Projects Timeline


Live Crime Reporter                                                         

The Application is under Construction!!

DOS Attack Shell Script                                                   

Shell Script to draw a graphical summary to analyze the network of cluster in case of a DOS Attack or Congestion in the Network.


Web Crawler                                                                     

BOT to crawl and list the active links on a website and create a composed file out of the scrapped data.

Web Browser History Analyzer                                       

Script to graphically analyze Chrome's history to analyze the traffic over the site by a person within his local machine.


Automtic Toll Booth                                                       

RFID Based Toll Collection and Gate Management System

Discussion Blogger                                                       

A Forum for the community to map their Strategies at a Common Blog


Automatic Hotspot Utility Script for Windows 7            

Utility to create and share the Virtually created hotspot in the local Machine.